Future Research Topics
- Life cycle analysis of nano-materials for solar cell applications.
- Energy and emission assessments in the life cycles of metal production (i.e., mining, transporting, smelting, refinining, recycling).
- Assess the attribution of life cycle emissions in metals production among the various countries involved.
- LCA of specific installed PV systems.
- Development of a risk-based system for evaluating life-cycle externalities of conventional and new sources of energy.
- Development of technology for recovering indium from electronic products.
- Comparative assessment of Life-cycle energy and environmental impacts of various carbon management options.
- LCA of coupled power generation and storage systems (e.g., PV with batteries, flywheels or supercapacitators, CSP with Thermal Storage, PV with CAES)
- Grid Integration Systems Analysis
- Development of hourly and intra-hour unit commitment and Dispatch Models